For my birthday, my friend Cassie, decorated my car with window paint. A few of the windows said things like, "I'm 22!" and "Happy Birthday, Emily". On my back windshield, written no bigger than an inch high read "Emily Loves Jesus". It was written so tiny, I figured no one really noticed that part next to the huge "I'M 22!" signs. So yesterday I was sitting outside my school, waiting for my class to start and all of the sudden I feel someone hitting the back of my car. I looked in the rare view mirror, only to find two girls standing behind me, clearly upset. They started yelling things like, "Bible Thumper!" and "OOO Emily loves Jesus... well we HATE you and your Jesus". They obviously had no idea I was in the car. The look of embarrassment on their faces was priceless as they approached my diver's side window. I just looked up at them, smiled, and went back to reading my book. They quickly got into the car next to me and drove away.
At that moment, I wanted to say something to them, anything to make them feel stupid for acting so immaturely. Then I realized that nothing I could have said would have taken back their acts of hate towards my Savior. They are lost. They are obviously mad at God, or they wouldn't have even thought about the inch tall letters on the back of a stranger's car. My heart began to break for these girls. Beautiful girls with bright futures, but with the biggest and darkest clouds hanging over their heads. Their lives are empty. Their lives lack purpose and direction, and they felt it appropriate to take it out on my car. I never knew three little words could make a perfect stranger act out in such dislike. I began to earnestly pray that God would somehow save them. That He would wrap His loving arms around those girls, whisper His promises in their ears, and turn their lives into lives that glorify and honor Him. I prayed that those girls would no longer take their anger with God out of other people, but that they would learn to forgive and let go of the bitterness they have in their hearts. Won't you pray with me? They are in desperate need of a Savior!