Wednesday, February 3, 2010

O the Places You Will Go...

I think my favorite part about Collin College is the people it attracts. There are people from all over the world, including students from various parts of Africa, Japan, Korea, India, Peru, North Carolina. But those aren't the students that interest me most. I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVE learning about different cultures, and especially first hand from some of my classmates, but the kind of people I'm talking about are the people most never really meet.

It's that person that insists on sitting in the front of every class that has a strange odor that just follows them to the point where they wonder why all their classes stink. One of my personal favorites is the girl that speaks so loudly she would wake a whole room of sleeping babies with one word, and her sneeze is a Broadway performance, complete with hand gestures and a big "God bless me!" at the end. I also enjoy the fellow that wears gloves with EVERYTHING. There are different gloves for different outfits, with my personal favorite being the skeleton glow-in-the-dark gloves. But I think the person I notice most is the one no one else does. She's the one sitting alone holding her backpack on her lap. As she looks up from the book she was pretending to read, because it was far better than facing the reality of how alone she feels, she tucks the misplaced hair back behind her ear and evaluates the students around her. Who's talking to who. Who's on the phone and who could possibly be in the same boat as she. As she slides her book into her bag, she pauses and decides to hold it. Book clutched to her chest, she makes her way through the hall, wondering if anyone notices her. She starts with the hard questions of wondering if anyone knows her name and what she's majoring in, and then ends up at the easier ones. "What color are my eyes?", "What book was I just was I just reading for an hour?". Then finally to the hardest question of them all... "Am I invisible?"

I think we can blame the tragic situation of the latter on a few different components. One being our selfish human nature. The mentality of this one short life we have actually belonging to us. Another being we're too caught up in ourselves to notice a person in need. It's all about me, all about me getting to class on time, all about me making friends, and all about me living my life as smoothly as possible. I think any way you look at it, this girl being so lonely she doesn't know what to do with herself, could be blamed on really anything and anyone, but isn't it our job to reach out to her? To let her know this life is worth living? To let her know things can be good again? To make her feel beautiful? Somewhere along the road, she fell through the cracks to be left for dead. My heart is broken for the people that fall into a world of the lost. My prayer is that all of us can find a way to reach out to someone this week... just one...

I hope you're all having a wonderful week! You're worthy of so much love and joy! I love you all more than you know!
Forever His,

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