Saturday, February 6, 2010

Something Tells Me I'm into Something Good!

Ok I'm going to spill my guts about a recent blessing that has been sent my way! As you may know, I recently changed my major from Early Childhood Education to Mass Communications with an emphasis in Journalism. Changing your major is always kind of a big thing, but doing it when you were super close to graduation... not the best idea. I have basically had to start over, however I am LOVING my new classes! Having this in mind, I knew I would have to quit my job and take more classes than I really wanted to in each semester to try to get caught up. I quit my job, knowing I had a car payment, knowing it cost money to put gas in my beautiful car and all my other expenses, but also knowing God would somehow provide. With the help of my sweet dad, I applied for financial aid and loans and didn't hear anything back. If you know me at all, you know I was freaking out and losing sleep over it. I was going to have to sell my car and start walking all the way to my school. I'm stressing myself out again just thinking about it! I was going to have to work over-night shifts at the hospital to make ends meet and I was so dreading the idea of being constantly exhausted and sleep deprived. Then God, after laughing at my faithlessness, threw me a curve ball! My dad happened to look at his old email account, and for whatever reason, he had an email with an offer for a loan. It just happens to be enough for me to live on for the semester, and I don't have to get rid of my car! It was a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders! Why God is so good to me, I have no idea, but I'm totally loving it!

This situation has really just proved to me how little faith I have in Christ sometimes. I mean, did He not create the universe, live as a man, endure the worst pain and punishment of all times? If He did all those things, what makes me think He can't provide me with the things I need? I'm amazed at how unworthy I am of Him, but how He still loves me and blesses me with surprises like providing me with a little money for the semester.

In other news, my sweet Grandpa Kelley celebrated his 79th birthday this week! Happy birthday Grandpa Kelley! I love you so much! Thanks for being such a blessing to me!

I don't know what I did to deserve the love of such an awesome God, but I sure love it! I hope you're letting Him be your everything this week! I love you all more than you know!
Forever His,

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