Friday, January 22, 2010

Got my lunch packed up! My shoes tied tight! I hope I don't get in a fight!

It's always such an accomplishment to successfully complete your first week of school without wanting to rip your hair out! Being in college is still very much like the first day of middle school. You spend more time than necessary getting ready and picking out the perfect first day of school outfit. You want to get to to school extra early because the mere thought of getting lost and being late for class makes you want to puke. So, you pull into the parking lot a whole hour before class starts, pull out your schedule and make 100% sure you're parked on the right side of the building, you know EXACTLY where your class is (if you're like me, you print out a map of the school just in case), and place it neatly back into your planner, safe and sound. So you look around, noticing you may or may not be the only on in the parking lot sitting in their car, so you pull out the book you keep in your purse (don't lie.. I'm not the only one!). You'll read two, three pages max because you're WAYY too anxious to concentrate. On your way to class, you try not to make any eye contact with any passing classmates, in fear that someone might sense your anxiety. Once you find your class, and before entering the room, you triple check your schedule to be certain you're in the right spot. Take a deep breath, walk in a make a b-line to a seat that's definitely not in the front, but not too far in the back. As you sit there, pretending to read your book or check your cell phone for any texts you might have missed in the past three seconds, the hero comes in. The one that asks the question that everyone else is too chicken to ask but the same question that's burning in the back of your mind... "Is this G211? Public Speaking??"... the second bravest person in the room is the girl sitting in the front... "It sure is!"... with an obvious faked confidence. And so the first day of school begins, and as the anxiety finally starts to wear down, it's time for your next class and it starts all over again! Or maybe this is just me...

It was a very long week of full of new experiences and new friends. I can't wait to do it all over again Monday, but I'm so thankful for having Fridays off!! I hope you had an awesome week and looking forward to a relaxing weekend! I love you all more than you know!
Forever His,

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