Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"He said, 'That's what I mean: Risk your life and get more than you ever dreamed of. Play it safe and end up holding the bag." Luke 19:26 (The Message)

Have you ever been to 6 flags with a group of friends from school or maybe your youth group? Remember that one ride that you HATED for some reason or anything? Maybe it was too high or too fast or too shaky, so as everyone else ran to be in the front car, you got to hold everyone elses bags. At that moment, everyone in the park knows that you're a wimp that didn't want to ride the Titan. My favorite part, is after everyone else gets off the ride and for the rest of the day all they could talk about was the ride I missed out on.

That's what this verse is talking about. Obviously something deeper, but you get the gist. I often find myself thinking about what I have sacrificed for Christ? I'll have an awesome week and have a lot of fun doing things with my friends, and when Friday comes around I realize I've been entirely too comfortable. What have I done, in His name, that has truly made a difference in my life? Even just a small one?

I have a lot of decisions coming up pretty soon, and I know I have a ton of praying and thinking to do about which way to go. I want to do huge things for Christ, and that will include huge risks. Bring it on!

I hope everyone is having an awesome start to the week! I love you all more than you know!

Forever His,

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