Monday, June 29, 2009

All the Beauty

I know that she’s a liar when I look into her eyes
But I believe in every word she says
She’s out to start a fire burning everything I have
I can’t put it out ’cause it’s all inside my head

And then you singI hear you sing
You call me lovely
You call me friend
You call me out of death and let me try again
You call me beloved
You call me clean
Then you show me all the beauty that you see in me

I still hear her whisper and sometimes I hear her shout
You’re not good enough and you will never be
But if I focus on your singing I can start to tune her out
’Cause you came with a love to set me free
I know that you love me enough to die
And I will try to see the value that you place on me
And you say I’m worthy
~JJ Heller

I think every woman has struggled with someone or something that screams out to them "YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH". This very subject is why I have felt called to Estonia this summer. I feel called to minister to women, who just like me, have insecurities. But what women everywhere must understand is that Christ has covered all of the things that we hate about ourselves, the skin problems, the weight issues, the feeling of having to wear ten pounds of makeup just go to the gym. All of those things are covered by the sufficient grace of Christ. He has taken what we see has ugly and made it exquisite and beautiful. Women in Estonia, like women everywhere, look for love in all the wrong places- in sex, money and possessions. I don't know, maybe next time we look in the mirror we need to embrace who we are and not so much what we look like. God's grace and beauty are sufficient. He has made us beautiful... what more could a girl ask for?

This is just something the Lord has been putting on my heart in the recent days as we prepare to leave. 18 days!!!! You guys are so beautiful and worthy of so much love!

Have a great week! I love you all more than you know!
Forever His,

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